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The Advent Series-Day TWO

Charis Seed Photography

Day 2: Expecting

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old. from ancient times.”

Micah 5:2

Pregnant Mary holding crown

Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography All rights reserved

Don’t worry. The cute baby pictures are coming.

Keep waiting. Waiting. And Expecting.


That’s the word we bestow on pregnant woman. “She’s expecting.” Such a lovely word for pregnancy.....and probably not the word a pregnant woman would always choose to describe herself. I find it fascinating that a woman can become pregnant and for several weeks, (some longer!) be completely unaware of the miracle that is happening inside.

She’s pregnant, but she is not truly “expecting” until the secret is revealed to her. But once she knows, the excitement of carrying a promise inside begins. She's expecting a baby to be born, expecting the promise of motherhood to be fulfilled.

And that expectation slowly spreads to others. Most likely to the father next, or maybe a nervous call to the future grandma for some support. A few trusted friends next. Then people at work (they’re gonna find out sooner or later - even cat-sweater-lady). The church.

Then, well, everyone knows. The sweet-old-lady-at-the-grocery-store. The waitress-who-meant-well. The-woman-who-had-the-worst-delivery-ever-and-wants-to-tell-you-about-it. Too soon, the secret that, for brief time, was the mother’s alone is now everyone’s to share in. Soon everyone is expecting. And the weight (I mean, is unbearable!

Above in Micah, is a prophecy given 400 years before Mary finds herself expecting. 400 years! That’s almost twice as long as the United States has existed. And the people of Israel had been looking for the Messiah longer than that. 400 years… and still no Messiah.

God is playing the long game.

Are you expecting?

Maybe in this season, you've been expecting, or more accurately...waiting. Maybe it's a baby you've tried years for and it just hasn't come. Maybe it's a new job or a raise, your health, or maybe it's your family. Maybe it's even a secret inside, that no one knows.

And it's....taking......400.....years.

Maybe you are just feeling....incomplete. Something is missing. Something needs to change but you can't figure it out.

Friends, no more fretting about the waiting...the expecting. God wants us to enjoy the spirit of enjoy this "Christmas" season, and to enjoy TODAY.

He planned your story before the world began.

There are promises He's planted inside you, that you may not even be aware of yet!

Don't give up.

.......The baby is coming.

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Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography

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