Day 5:
Luke 2:14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!”

Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography All rights reserved
The highest heavens! Mystical and majestic. This is the throne room of the God where angels innumerable perpetually blast forth reality-shattering melodies of worship.
Glory beyond beyond the mind’s grasp.
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!” This is the song of the angels. For one night only they are taking their show on the road. A single, limited engagement. No stadiums or king’s courts. No VIPs.
They are performing for … shepherds!
God decides to announce the arrival of His Son on earth with a choir of angels illuminating the the night sky and filling the air with the music of heaven. That seems appropriate. :) And what audience does he select? Shepherds watching their flocks. God’s personal worship team performs for guys who don’t even have clean hands!
It seems almost troubling. Shepherds. It feels like a bit of a “waste”: The biggest show in heaven spilling down on a small band of dirty, sweaty, sleep-deprived......shepherds. Angels and shepherds. The glory of heaven and the dust of the earth. The two couldn’t be further apart.
And I suspect....that is the point.
The first half of their chorus is easy to accept. “Glory to God in the highest.” Yes! Glory to God far away! Glory to God in magnificent temples! Glory to God up among the unreachable stars! Glory to God in His Heavenly city with its streets of gold and clean hands.
But down here? On earth? Peace? And good will? Towards dirty, sweaty us?
Yes. Good will toward us. Toward shepherds. And tax collectors. Towards prostitutes and sinners. Towards the lost. It’s good news. God’s has hidden his entrance into humanity in form of a baby being born to a couple of paupers, sheltering in a stable. His Glory is here. Down here. Way down here far below highest heaven. The Grace and Strength and Glory of God is now in reach of Shepherds. And in reach of those with dirty hands......And you.
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Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography