Day 8: 8 Billion Miracles
Psalm 139:13-14 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography All rights reserved
I stared intently into swirling marble pattern of black and white. Looking, squinting a sea of shapes moving by like I was floating over the surface of waters. An indecipherable mix of darkness and light. Then suddenly a rushing sound filled the air of the room.
A heartbeat! I heard a heartbeat!
A footprint on the monitor! I was sure I saw one. Was that a nose? Fingers! Suddenly the light was separating from the darkness and my baby girl was just as suddenly shifting from a nebulous idea in my mind to a real, deeply-loved child in my heart. Instantly. Instantly a living, breathing miracle part of my reality. Beyond the reach of what these feeble words can describe, I felt, I knew the unspeakable majesty of God. It was His image represented on that ultrasound viewer. It was the song of His heart pulsing through those speakers.

That moment changed much in me in many ways. It changed how I see the birth of Christ.
Blinding lights; An entourage of angels; A chariot of fire; Jesus could have arrived any of these ways. A heavenly light splitting the sky with the Messiah crashing to the earth escorted by angels singing would have been glorious inthe eyes of mankind. A glorious and entertaining proof of His identity as the Son of God. Instead, He entered the world with little fanfare: Invisible as He was formed in the womb of a virgin. As quiet and unseen as possible.
To us quiet and unseen is not glorious. We want our miracles public and powerful. But Life conceived is always a miracle. And it is always a divine work even though it is quiet and unseen. God didn’t settle for being human. He didn’t have a better, more supernatural, more showy path he wanted to take, but decided He would be born a man because He didn’t have enough money in the fireworks budget .When God chose to enter humanity by being carried by a human mother and born as a human child, He was choosing to make His entrance through His greatest miracle: The miracle of Life.
We may long to see a Messiah walking on water or raising the dead, but all around us miracles are happening. All around God is displaying His majesty. Don't mistake the small “unseen” moments in life as unimportant. If the journey of Christ teaches us anything, it is that it is in these moment where miracles happen. God avoids the fanfare while revealing Himself in the still quiet moments. Be looking. You may be working a miracle without even knowing it. What small acts of generosity can you do today? How can you remind others that they are a miracle?
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Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography