Day 25: The Magic of Christmas

Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography All rights reserved
It's Christmas Day!
We thought it fitting to share one last personal picture of our family, since Christmas is really all about FAMILY.
This Christmas, our kids are 3, 7, and 9, and Christmas is pure magic! There are squeals of delight, lots of jumping, and lots of cookies. :) It is loud, messy, and in between the chaos, we are making memories that will last forever. Soon all the wrapping paper will be gone, and as the years go by, the toys will be replaced with more mature gifts.
But I will remember....the laughing, the giggles, ....the toothy smiles...and the pictures. I will cherish them in my heart forever.
These memories are the magic of Christmas.
As a family, we can truly say in this season, we are blessed. We truly hope you have had a blessed Christmas season and have enjoyed this special & personal project of Advent!
If you are looking for a truly unique and personal photography experience, we would love to work with you to make your memories last forever, and create amazing art that you can proudly display in your home! We specialize in families: maternity, newborn, children, HS seniors, and families and love to customize for you! We have amazing ideas and so much to look forward to in 2019!
Contact us to learn more!
From our family to yours,
Merry Christmas!
Sign up HERE!
Copyright All images & writing © 2018 Charis Seed Photography