Congratulations! You have a new little bundle in your arms and you are tired but filled with such joy! Everyone is excited to see baby and it's a whirlwind of visitors and feedings and diapers! And in addition, you are set to come for a newborn session! Mama, we know alllllll the things and the lack of sleep, and it is our goal to make your newborn session as easy and effortless as possible! Here's what happens at our sessions:

When you arrive, we get all settled, grab some coffee and snacks, and you get to relax! You do not need to be involved in the session unless you want to. We have an assistant with us at all sessions. We have a huge TV to watch, or you can read and snack! You are more than welcome to jump in and help at any time as well.
After sanitizing our hands, the first thing we usually do is wrap baby into a little bean bundle! This wrap is super soft & stretchy, and gives baby the security and comfort needed to relax. We have taken many newborn education classes about how to wrap baby safely and in comfortable positions for baby's arms and legs. Wrapping is a soothing technique for baby. This is similar to being in the womb and baby likes the security of it. We have MANY different wrapping styles!

Family & Sibling Poses
Once in a wrap, we do sibling poses first if they are involved! This gets brother and sister done quickly so they are free for the rest of the time! With siblings under five, we have very baby safe poses laying down or in a bucket. Once those are done, we sneak in the whole family to finish up with the siblings. And of course some with mom and dad alone too.

The Posing Table
By now baby is usually snuggled in and very sleepy from the security of their wrap. Now it's time to work through other posing on the posing table. This is where we get those nice sleepy poses on a smooth background and make baby the star. Some babies tolerate the posing very easily and others are a little bit fussy. Don't worry mama. It's ok. We work with baby and baby is boss! We have many tips we use to help soothe a fussy baby such as a heater, a shusher, a vibrating table, baby massage, and paci! If baby just isn't having it at all, then we just wrap back up and finish with buckets and props.

Hungry & Fussy
It's definitely a huge amount of trust to place your one week old newborn baby in our arms, and we recognize that. We want to tell you that we are aware of that! We are keenly aware of the needs of baby throughout the whole session. When it's time to eat, we stop and let baby eat. When it's time for a diaper change, we stop. When baby needs a little comfort, we stop. This is why the sessions sometimes take a bit longer than you might expect.....a typical feeding cycle can last 30 minutes!
But seriously, baby is boss, and that's ok with us.

Because it takes an immense about of trust, we want to put your mind at ease about a few things we do for infant safety. We know proper posing techniques through training we've taken in person all around the nation. We have CPR and first aid training and have our certificates. Every session has a paid assistant that helps us to always have a hand on baby at all times. The posing table and security measures installed and all buckets have weights in the bottom to not tip (as well as proper posing and a hand on baby!).
For ALL of our clients, we have a free consultation BEFORE any of this ever happens. This is a time for you to come to the studio, meet us, ask questions, see all our products, pricing, and customize your session. We are very keen on being intentional with our sessions, so you get the exact images you are hoping for, and you feel comfortable with the session. Do you have more questions? Want to schedule a free consultation with us? Contact us today! We suggest scheduling your session anytime after your first trimester!